
Isaac is 29 months

Miriam is 12months

There’s not a lot to share this week with Tot School.  There were really only two days this week we had actual sit-down time together.  We had appointments two mornings this week and on the Friday, I decided I needed to rest some because I had had a really rough week and was not feeling well.   (Let me just say that even though I did not intentionally sit down with the kids to have “Tot School”, learning time takes place all the time!  Whenever we are playing or doing things around the house, we are always talking about colors, numbers, letters, etc.)

We worked on the Letter B this week.  Isaac caught on very quickly, although now he calls the letter “A”  “B” ;-)  So I’ve determined on Fridays we are going to review all the letters we’ve done and play some of the games we played earlier in the week that he especially liked. 


DSCF7111 Miriam loved playing with her shape sorter mailbox.  It’s so fun watching her learn. 


Isaac wanted to look at these flashcards one day.  I put them on a cookie sheet (we had been working on a magnet page).  So he sorted through them and called out the names of things he knew and I helped him with the ones he didn’t know.

DSCF7129 We also played with a set of cards that were for matching sight words, but we used them to match up the pictures.  (I had laminated them because they have such beautiful colorful pictures and wanted to keep them around a while!) Isaac did great with this and we made quite a few matches before he got bored and wanted to do something else. 


Again I put it on our cookie sheet.  This worked out great and re-enforced the idea that I would love to get some “Tot Trays”!  It really helped having a “space” to put everything and all the cards stayed on the tray instead of all over the place!  Tot trays are definitely on my wish list :-)DSCF7134

Here is Miriam trying to tip over the box of blocks.  She discovered them this week and LOVES them!!


The only thing about getting all the blocks out is putting them all back again!



Tot School Organization (Part 1 of ? ;)


This is what my table was looking like and I realized I needed to do something!!  I am not a fan of clutter and this was really beginning to bug me.  I do not have any tot trays at this point, and what I had wanted to do to organize was going to cost a little green.  But I realized that I had some bins in the kids room under their changing table that was just collecting junk that I could utilize for Tot School!

DSCF7149 After:

So . . . The first bin is for our books, the second for our Tot School activities for the week, and the third is for our Circle Time things (Bible, CD’s and musical instruments) This is a huge improvement from what it was:  much more organized and not quite the eyesore ;-)




To see what other moms are doing in Tot School this week, check out the official Tot School site!