Tot School

Isaac is 28 months
Miriam is 10 months
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This week was a little crazy around our house.  We had extra activities going on during the daytime this week that made it a little more challenging.  We didn’t get as much Tot School time in, but that is OK.  Aaron was preaching a funeral Monday for a dear woman who has many family members in our church.  I worked things around at home so we were able to be there to support this precious family and Aaron. 

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I made a trip to Wal-Mart and was so excited to find this pocket chart at a great price!!!  So far we have just used it for matching games. Isaac continually goes and pulls it out to play with it, and I am more than happy to let him!  The first day we used our zoo animal cards that I had made out of bulletin board borders.  He did a great job and matched them all up the first time around.  He is so meticulous, each time he wanted to put the card “behind” the first one instead of beside.  Whatever works!

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I love his face in this picture!!

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On this particular day, I had made some ABC Cards out of two posters that I got at the Dollar Tree!  I bought matching posters, cut out the cards, and laminated them.  They work perfect and are so pretty and colorful!

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I was also happy to find that the pocket chart came with its own set of ABC cards and pictures to match up!  I didn’t realize this until I started to get it out of the packaging.  What a fun surprise! 

To see what other moms are doing in Tot School this week, check out the official Tot School site!