I know it is not Sunday, my "normal" day to post to our blog, but I just couldn't resist! Isaac has tried to be very "helpful" today as I worked around the house. First he helped me make my bed.....

....then he helped me weed the side flowerbed.....

then....he um....sort of helped with the laundry :-) It was actually really cute. I normally fold laundry upstairs in the living room. I was working on a load of the kids' clothes, had them seperated by child, and Isaac's clothes already on a hanger. Aaron called in the middle of this. When I went back to where I was working on their laundry, I noticed all of Isaac's clothes that I had just put on hangers were missing (and so was Isaac ;) So I went to the kids' room and this was what I found. He was helping me put them away.......sorta...... ;)