I have run across a few blog posts in the past week that really spoke to my heart and I just wanted to share them with you!

  • I have been linking up with Tot School for the last few months. This is hosted by Carisa at 1+1+1=1.  She recently attended a conference called Relevant for Christian women who just happen to blog in their spare time ;-) Carisa shared some great nuggets of wisdom that she gained from the conference.  One that really spoke to me was “If you don’t have time for God, you don’t have time to blog”.  I think that can be applied in really any area of our lives!  If we do not have time for God, we do not have time for Facebook, the TV, and the list can go on and on! Thanks Carisa for sharing! 1plus1button150

  • Over the past month or two I have been thinking of what it really means to be a “homemaker”.  You may or may not see a post on my thoughts about this in the future ;-)  but I ran across a post shared on Raising Homemakers that really touched me.  It is about being “the keeper” of our homes.

  • Another blog mom at The Iowa Farmer’s Wife wrote a great post about Mom Guilt.  I think most of us have been there and I think sometimes we’re drowning ourselves in our own expectations of motherhood.  This post helped me refocus :)