I know, I am way behind on this.  It is almost time for me to check-in for Week 3!  I have made some adjustments as I have gone along.  My purpose forglass_of_milk_and_bread_large doing this is to establish lifelong habits that will lead to a healthier me and ultimately a healthier family as they follow my example.  My children are imitators – they learn by watching and following others.   In more areas than just food, they will follow where I lead them.  So here’s how the last two weeks went:

Week 1:  I did great! It was very very hard at times, because I really wanted a soda in the afternoon!  And I am extremely fond of sweet tea.  The other hard part was drinking enough water! I have gotten so accustomed to drinking flavored drinks that it will take me a while to appreciate the taste of water again. But I did it!

Week 2:  Well . . . I didn’t do so great.  Not horrible, but not as great as week one.  I did give in a little . . .

So where am I at now?  I will be posting (hopefully on Monday) how my third week went.  Through these few weeks I have been reviewing what I really want this habit to look like.  I am working on establishing lifetime habits and so at this point, I have revised it so that it is something do-able for me. 


  • one glass of juice in the morning mixed in with my liquid vitamin
  • one - two cups of hot tea a day (breakfast and/or evening)
  • one cup of coffee (during my Bible Study)
  • 6-8 glasses of water
  • glass of low-fat milk


  • an occasional soda or tea with a meal (working on keeping this at once a week) You know some foods are just better with a Coke, like Mexican or pizza ;-)

So I think this is very workable for me and still eliminates a huge area for me . . .drinking sodas or tea at random times during the day and therefore not drinking nearly enough water.  On Monday I will post my new healthy habit that I will be working on and also let you know how my third week went :)