I have to say, I am awfully fond of chocolate and sweets ;-) But to tell you the truth, I’m not really sure the feeling is mutual.  In fact I know it’s not.  I have even choc chip cookieseriously considered putting this lifetime habit change off until later because I really want to eat chocolate whenever the mood strikes (haha  is that not horrible!)  But I figured, I might as well go ahead and just do it :)  (Does this picture not look insanely yummy?!?!  My mouth is watering right now!

So here’s what this is going to look like:


  • Have only 1 dessert per week (and try and keep that to special occasions!)


  • To have 1 small  piece of chocolate to nibble on with my hot tea in the evenings.   It is such a yummy treat!

So no more will I be munching on the cake in the kitchen whenever I am going by and no more snatching the snack sized candy bars a few at a time.  I will just keep telling myself that I don’t really want it.  (Do you think that will work?)

What I Drink Week 3 Check-In

So, week 3 of my challenge.  I think overall I did fair.  I had adjusted this habit to allow for one (occasionally two) sodas or sweet teas a week with a meal.  This past week we had cup of hot tealunch with a sweet young lady from our church and I had an absolutely delicious (real) cherry coke with my Mexican.  I have to say I enjoyed it immensely and I did not feel guilty at all.  We went out another time this week with a family from the church to this really great steakhouse and I did get a sweet tea.  This week was definitely an exception on the eating out – I rarely go out to eat! Maybe 2-3 times a month, let alone twice in one week!  The hardest thing for me at this point is still drinking enough water.  But I know me and my water bottle are going to become good friends :-)