
Isaac is 28 months

Miriam is 11 months

This week I have been playing catch-up around the house after being gone for two weeks at camp.  We were pretty laid back, did a lot of playing, got the kids’ pool set back up and  I tried to get all the laundry done from camp and the house back in good shape.  I didn’t have the camera handy half the time, but did get some sporadic Tot School pics to share.

Alphabet Foam Tiles


I brought these out on Monday and Isaac had a blast playing with them.  We took them apart, put them back together, used them as a puzzle game, put them in ABC order, and sang the ABC song while he stepped on each tile. 



Play Time

Over the past few months he has been increasingly interested in playing with cars.  DSCF6449

I bought this Duck Game at a flea market last weekend.  At the time I asked the gentleman if all the pieces were there, he said Yes, I believed him.  When we got back to the car I opened the box and found that I only had 4 out of the 12 ducks.  :( 


Even though I have been disappointed over the missing ducks, the kids have absolutely LOVED IT!  Both Isaac and Miriam will turn it on and take the ducks on and off.  Isaac will even turn it on and then walk away from it and start playing with something else.  Since he’s not playing with it, naturally I will go behind him and turn it off.  He will then come back over, turn it on again, and go back to playing with something else!  He must just like background noise!


New Puzzle for Miriam


I was in the baby section of Wal-Mart the other day and ran across this cute shape puzzle for a great price.  I had Miriam in mind when I bought it, but as you can see Isaac wanted to play :-)


Isaac is becoming a pro at matching shapes and got them all the first time around.  


I then switched things up a bit on him.  I would call out a shape or color and have him pick it out for me.  This was a little more difficult for him, but it is so fun to see how much he is learning!  And we had some great cuddle time as he was sitting on my lap while we were working on it.  Precious moments!



Our Little Musician 


Our circle time seems to be going well.  The kids love playing with the musical instruments and Isaac is really starting to sing along with songs now! 



Sticker Play


Isaac loved this!! He didn’t stop until he had all the stickers transferred to the other piece of paper!


This pic cracks me up! He is concentrating hard trying to get that sticker off!


Coming Up…..

This weekend I’ve been working hard getting things ready to start Calendar Time and also our Letter of the Week curriculum!!  I was cutting and laminating ants like a crazy woman and laminating our date, weather, and days of the week cards.   May I just say, I am loving the new laminator!


I was reminded while I was working on it why I am printing on cardstock and laminating everything….my son is rough with stuff!  He wanted to “help” so I set him in his chair at the table where I was working so he could be a part of it.  Afterwards we put the dates on our calendar to get us up to date :-)


I used this particular bulletin board set when I worked at a daycare and was able to find it again on Amazon.  I have two board that were given to us that I am thinking about using.  One is not quite big enough and I’d have to cut off the sun :-(  The other one is HUGE and would fit EVERYTHING plus some!  But it’s really HUGE!  If I had a space designated for Tot School, I could set this board up and it would be great. Right now we are using the living room and I think the big board might be a little much.  Just not sure yet what to do, so we may not be officially starting calendar time for another week or two. 


We will be starting our Letter of the Week Curriculum (from Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler) this coming week and I am so excited! 

Letter of the Week badge

To see what other moms are doing in Tot School this week, check out the official Tot School site!