Doctor Visits
We have had two doctor visits this week, one for me and the new baby and one for Isaac's first year check up. As I am writing this I am starting to realize that we have not posted anything about this pregnancy on the blog and some of you may not even know we're expecting again! Sorry (I'm ducking my head) Well, the due date is July 21st and the ultrasound showed that the baby is developing wonderfully and it's a little girl!! We are so excited. The time is flying by with this pregnancy. I have been doing wonderful and feeling great. I'm beginning to feel our little girl move around more and so that is in my opinion one of the highlights of being pregnant. Isaac's doctor visit went really well. He gained 4 lbs and grew 3 inches in the last 3 months and the doctor was really pleased with his development. He has officially been off the bottle now for 6 weeks (Hooray!) and eating all table foods (Hooray!) and no longer on formula (HOORAY!! HOORAY!!!) and talking all the time!! In the next day or two I will try and post some pics of our family and hopefully maybe some of the ultrasound pics :)

Then and Now
This article came through our email this week with a clipping from Housekeeping Monthly 1955. As I read it I thought, WOW! How far we "think" we have come since then, or maybe in actuality how far we have gone in our own selfishness and self-interest. Anyway I thought it was interesting and as Aaron and I were talking about it the other night, I wonder how many more homes would be a more pleasant place to be, how many more families would be together, etc. if women would take on this self-giving attitude of caring for their husbands. Just some things to think about. (You should be able to click on the picture to bring up a bigger picture of the article)

It is hard to imagine that Isaac is one year old already! His birthday it the 11th of February and we had a week long celebration. Both sets of grandparents were able to come down when they could and watch Isaac open gifts and eat his birthday cake. It was lots of fun and I know Isaac loved all the presents and cake!! When Aaron's parents came in for the week, Papaw picked out a chocolate cake! As you can see, Isaac was a mess, but he absolutely loved it!
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |

Feeling Miserable Yet Rejoicing
So, here I am, up at 4 am with a bad head cold or sinus or something. Anyway, my head is very stuffy and I'm feeling close to miserable. It seems that it's in the wee morning hours that I post to the blog, maybe that's because little man's asleep and all is quiet.
Isaac turned one year old this week. I can't hardly believe it. It literally seems like yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time. He is growing up so quick and looking more and more like a little boy all the time instead of a baby. His personality is really starting to shine through too, he loves to have fun and goof off with mom and dad, making faces, squinting his eyes, and turning his head sideways while he's eating in the high chair. He loves to laugh and play and doesn't stop moving! He is becoming very independent and somewhat stubborn, loves for you to wash his hands but not his face! He doesn't like for you to hold his hands to show him how to do something new and will pull them away every time. He is sweet and laid back and hardly ever fusses and will eat ANYTHING we give him. The times have become more and more precious when we are together as a family. We are so grateful for this little boy.
We have had quite a few visitors in the last few weeks, and since the computer with the pictures is in the guest room, you will not be seeing any more pictures for a few more days. Aaron's dad stopped in for a few days visit on his way home from KY, our friend Chris Nealis from KY came in for a week, followed by my sister for the weekend, my parents later that week to celebrate Isaac's one year a little early, and now Aaron's parents are here for the week. We love having people in our home and are grateful all of them could be with us.
In the midst of our visitors, I had a tooth that had started crumbling. yes, very distressing. So, I called the dentist office when they were opened next and told them the situtation and that we were not able to pay to have any work done until next month. So they set up a consultation with the dentist to see what needed to be done. This was slightly distressing me, to say the least, I hate having work done on my teeth and I have horrible teeth, and I wanted it fixed....NOW! But the means were just not there, which was also another distressing factor to me. But I am so thankful that when we get our eyes off focus from the Lord and his provisions, he gently reminds us again of His faithfulness and care towards us. I went in to the dentist and his assistant is a wonderful Christian lady. One thing led to another and it was known that I could not pay for any work to be done at the moment. After the dentist came in and checked it out, he said he had some free time that day and that he could go ahead and fill it and I could pay later! What an answer to prayer! So I actually had two teeth side by side that needed taken care of b/c the cavity was in between the teeth. When I got ready to leave, the assistant looked over at the paperwork and said, "He didn't charge you for that" I was wondering if I had misunderstood or didn't hear her right, but no, God had used that dentist to take care of something that was big for me, but a minor thing for God to take care of. I praise the Lord for His goodness and care, even though I definitely don't deserve it. He is a good God who loves his children, He is my Provider.
This seems to be somewhat of a random post, but then again, it's really early in the morning so what can you expect? Lots of random tidbits of what is going on in our lives at the moment. So, since the rest of the house is not up yet, I think I will do a little reading and then try and get a few more hours sleep. :)

Our Thanksgiving
Yes I know...I am waaaaay behind on getting these up. I have been working these past few months on being more organized and working on my daily routines and so to this point, the house is much cleaner and less cluttered and I am getting wonderful rest. So we are gradually adding in things like blogging back into the week and trying to find the most efficient time to do it. Once things get caught up and organized, they're always much easier to keep up! So that has been my project this past month or so. I think overall it
will be a lifetime of learning.