
Summary of Spring

Recently I have found that the easiest (and most fun) way for me to share pictures of our family is to make them into a movie!!  So without further delay, here is a fun look at our spring :-)


Moments to Melt A Mother's Heart

This past week we have seen a new visitor in our home: the Hand, Mouth, Foot virus. Each of the kids have taken their turn with the fever and overall feeling yucky. Right now, Isaac is currently battling a fever and headaches (which is something new to us). We have been praying and encouraging the kids to pray that "God would touch Isaac and make him feel better".
Through these two days of Isaac taking his turn with the virus, there have been a few things that have melted this mommy's heart.
 ~ hearing my two year old little girl praying over her brother (without any prompting) that God would make him feel better and take care of his fever.
 ~ hearing her prayers mature out of the "God is great, God is good" memorized prayer to adding in her two cents worth ;-)
~Isaac crying and asking me why God had not made his head feel better yet :-(
~ Seeing Isaac start to bounce around on the couch, talking about this and that. When I commented that I thought God had touched him and he was feeling better, Isaac's response was "Cool! God touched my head mommy and made me feel better!"

 What beautiful childlike faith. May we all believe in our Heavenly Father and His great love for us.

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